Overview: Addressbook NS Edition (ABNS)

ABNS is a desktop address book application used for managing National Service soldiers’ performance. The user interacts with it using a CLI, and it has a GUI created with JavaFX. It is written in Java, and has about 10 kLoC.

It is

  • for the Singapore Armed Forces (SAF).
  • to include more information of the soldier such as rank, group, and performance.
  • to manage records as a bulk without the hassle of editing records one by one.

Summary of Contributions

Key Features implemented & Enhancements

Action Format, Examples
assign a person to group assignptg n/<personName> g/<groupName>
rename a group rename <Index> g/<groupName>
  • Assign a person to a group.(Pull requests #29)

    • What it does: allows the user to assign a person to a specific group.
    • Justification: This feature allows user to assign person to group instead of just creating group. The purpose of using this address book is to assign different people into different group.Thus the software shall provide a such function.
    • Highlights: Assigning is easy but the hard part is how to synchronize with other part accordingly.
  • Added the ability to rename the group name.(Pull requests #55)

    • What it does: allows user to rename a specific group name and automatically update all fields related accordingly.
    • Highlights: Same as the last feature, the hard part is how to synchronize with other part accordingly. Synchronizing all info of those people under this renamed group is hard part for me.

Code contributed: 

Documentation contribution:

  • User Guide:

    • Work together with all teammates. Contributing ideas during discussion
  • Checking UG and close all UG bugs ( issue #77, #78, #79, #80, #83)

  • Fining UG and make sure the info tally with what implemented.

  • Developer Guide:

    • Add use cases on assign a person to group and rename group

    • Work together with all teammates. Contributing ideas during discussion

Contributions to team-based tasks:

  • Updating project title, aboutUs.md, readme.md,index.md etc.

  • Project milstone close

  • Issues assigning and helping others debug issues.

  • Helping others to review bugs and doing double verification.

Review/mentoring contributions: